Banani Lab


Kilgore HR, Chinn I, Mikhael PG, Mitnikov I, Van Dongen C, Zylberberg G, Afeyan L, Banani SF, Wilson-Hawken S, Lee TI, Barzilay R, Young RA. Protein codes promote selective subcellular compartmentalization. Science 0, eadq2634 (2025).

Banani SF, Goychuk A, Natarajan P, Zheng MM, Dall’Agnese G, Henninger JE, Kardar M, Young RA, Chakraborty AK. Active RNA synthesis patterns nuclear condensates. bioRxiv (2024).

Oksuz O, Henninger JE, Warneford-Thomson R, Zheng MM, Erb H, Vancura A, Overholt KJ, Hawken SW, Banani SF, Lauman R, Reich LN, Robertson AL, Hannett NM, Lee TI, Zon LI, Bonasio R, Young RA. Transcription factors interact with RNA to regulate genes. Molecular Cell 83(14), 2449-2463.e13 (2023).

Dall’Agnese G, Dall’Agnese A, Banani SF, Codrich M, Malfatti MC, Antoniali G, Tell G. Role of condensates in modulating DNA repair pathways and its implication for chemoresistance. Journal of Biological Chemistry 299(6), 104800 (2023).

Banani SF, Afeyan LK, Hawken SW, Henninger JE, Dall’Agnese A, Clark VE, Platt JM, Oksuz O, Hannett NM, Sagi I, Lee TI, Young RA. Genetic variation associated with condensate dysregulation in disease. Developmental Cell 57(14), 1776-1788.e8 (2022).

Banani SF, Lee HO, Hyman AA, Rosen MK. Biomolecular condensates: organizers of cellular biochemistry. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 18(5), 285–298 (2017).

Banani SF, Rice AM, Peeples WB, Lin Y, Jain S, Parker R, Rosen MK. Compositional control of phase-separated cellular bodies, Cell 166(3), 651–663 (2016).

Li P, Banjade S, Cheng HC, Kim S, Chen B, Guo L, Llaguno M, Hollingsworth JV, King DS, Banani SF, Russo PS, Jiang QX, Nixon BT, Rosen MK. Phase transitions in the assembly of multivalent signalling proteins. Nature 483(7389), 336–340 (2012).

Nicholas CR, Xu EY, Banani SF, Hammer RE, Hamra FK, Reijo Pera RA. Characterization of a Dazl-GFP germ cell-specific reporter. Genesis 47(2), 74-84 (2009).


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